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31 octubre 2010


Contra el viento
de Ángeles Caso
Editorial: Booket, (272 Págs.)
Premio Planeta 2009

... porque denuncia la situación que sufren millones de mujeres con el testimonio de una mujer de Cabo Verde.

Sirve Nadal responde Sácrates. Del filósofo clásico al deportista de élite
de Toni Nadal y Pere Mas
Editorial Debolsillo,  (137 Págs)

....porque resulta muy interesante la relación que establecen los autores entre Rafa Nadal y el mundo clásico.

La Odisea (Cómic)
Autor: Homero,
Adaptación: Tim Mucci
Editorial: BRUÑO (128 Págs.)

... porque los clásicos siempre están de moda, en cualquier formato.

13 octubre 2010


Relacionado con el punto de interés CIENCIA FICCIÓN que estamos exponiendo en la biblioteca, el Departamento de Inglés recomienda la lectura de estos dos libros que podéis encontrar en la biliobteca:

The Hitchiker´s Guide to the Galaxy

By Douglas Adams


Seconds before the Earth is to be demolished by an alien construction crew to make an interstellar highway, Arthur Dent, the last human left on Earth, is hitched off the planet by Ford Prefect, a researcher planning a new edition of “The Hitchiker´s Guide to the Galaxy.”

A Review by Aliya Cooper

Arthur Dent, the last human on earth, after an alien company destroyed our planet must go out into the galaxy with the help of his alien friend and survive its mysteries and dangers using only a towel and his copy of “The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” It´s a tale full of aliens, humor, and an exciting journey that will take you to places you have never imagined.

Ages 12 and up will enjoy this story.

Tuck Everlasting

By Natalie Babbitt.

Farrar,1975 (ISBN 0-374-37848-7) Novel. 180 pages. Grades 4+. Also available in Spanish.


This thought-provoking, delightful book has got to be one of the all time great fantasies for children. The writing is superb. The plot engrossing and the images and themes can last in the reader's mind for a very long time. When Winnie, a rather bored and overly protected child, becomes friends with the Tuck family, her life is changed forever. The Tucks, mother and father and two sons, have inadvertently drunk from a well which freezes them in time and gives them everlasting life. They will never change, never grow old, never die. They know that the world must never be let in on their secret, for it would change life on earth for the worse. Then Mae Tuck kills a man. If they try to execute Mae for the crime, their secret immortality will come out. If they merely keep her in prison, they'll see that she doesn't age. The dilemma for Winnie, Mae and Mae's family is extreme. And then there's Winnie herself. Should she drink from the well now? when she grows up? ever?

Review by Aliya Cooper

It´s about a family that discovered a spring that gives them everlasting life. A young girl discovers this secret, and the family must prevent others from finding the spring.

Ages 12-16 can read this book easily in the US.

02 octubre 2010


El concierto (DVD) 
Director: Radu Mihaileanu Año: 2009.
Intérpretes: Mélanie Laurent...
País: Bélgica, Francia, Italia, Rumanía 
Duración: 119 min.
Género: Comedia musical

... porque está llena de emociones y por las lágrimas que se escapan al final.

Los pilares de la tierra
de Ken Follet
Editorial Debolsillo,  (1359 Págs)

....porque hay que aprovechar el tirón de la serie de TV para leer o releer una novel ahistórica interesante y entretenida.

El pintor del sombrero de malvas
de Marcos Calveiro
Editorial: Edelvives (128 Págs.)
Colección:Novelas premiadas

... porque tiene el honor de haber ganado el Premio Lazarillo 2009 y porque recrea parte de la vida de Vicent van Gogh.